The most potent medicine is your food.
Most people you get their nutritional advice from doctor, or worse yet, governments who use outdated research and data to make their...

The benefits of a low-net-carb diet
In my last blog I wrote about the benefits of ditching carb-loading for high-fat/low-net-carb diet. Today I would like to speak a bit...

How to keep fruit and vegetables fresh for longer.
Now that my gorgeous wife and her friends are doing the juice fast challenge and all of our fridges are stocked to the brim with...

One nutritionist's opinion about eating meat.
A very popular question that I often find myself being asked is ‘is eating meat healthy?’ I can understand the confusion because...

10 good reasons to eat eggs.
Eggs are amongst the limited number of foods that I would classify as “superfoods.” They are full with nutrients, some of which are rare...

If you want to gain weight, skip breakfast.
Many people come to me after a long struggle with losing weight. One particular patient was about to throw in the towel and have gastric...

Are fruits good or bad for you?
Keep in mind that fruits also contain fructose, although an enhancing factor is that whole fruits also contain vitamins, minerals,...

Gluten free, whole-grain choices
Whole grains are important for everyone. They're naturally high in fibre, low in fat and filling to eat. And, when eaten regularly, whole...

Can changing my diet improve my psoriasis
Today’s topic is psoriasis and how it can be improved by nutritional tweaks. Psoriasis is a chronic disease of the immune system that...

Berries, best things come in small packages
And this time we’re not talking about diamonds… Almost everybody who is interested in nutrition knows that berries are good for you. They...