Staying fit – it’s worth the sweat

As a life coach I tend to cover 3 main areas with my clients. Nutrition, stress management and physical fitness. You need all three of them to be well balanced to enjoy the potential of your life. Today’s blog is a subject that I’m sure that we all agree on but not all of us have the time or the energy to actually do anything about. So here’s a few notions that may help some of you get up and get active.
Those who are physically active tend to live longer, healthier lives. That’s a fact. Research shows that moderate physical activity – such as 30 minutes a day of brisk walking – significantly contributes to our longevity. Even a person with risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes or even a smoking habit can gain real benefits from integrating regular physical activity into their daily life.
As many dieters have found, exercise can help you stay on a diet and lose weight. What’s more – regular exercise can help lower blood pressure, control blood sugar, improve cholesterol levels, build stronger denser bones and reduce stress.
For those of you who are enthusiastic about their fitness but are strapped for time or would like to increase their fitness level, I wrote an article about High Intensity Interval Training that you can read here. This is a highly effective method which is used by professional as well as amateurs is guaranteed to benefit you.
Prior to beginning an exercise program, taking a fitness test, or substantially increasing your activity level, is to ensure you answer the following questions. These questions will help determine if you’re ready to begin an exercise routine or program:
Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition or that you should participate in physical activity only as recommended by a doctor?
Do you feel pain in your chest during physical activity?
In the past couple of months, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?
Do you lose your balance from dizziness? Do you ever lose consciousness?
Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by an increase in your physical activity?
Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs for your blood pressure or a heart condition?
Do you know of any reason you should not participate in physical activity?
If you answered yes to one or more questions, if you are over 40 years of age and have recently been inactive, or if you are concerned about your health, consult a doctor prior to taking a fitness test or substantially increasing your physical activity.
If you answered no to each question, then it’s likely that you can safely begin exercising.
Before beginning any exercise program, you should seek medical evaluation and clearance to engage in activity. Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone, and some programs may result in injury. Activities should be carried out at a pace that is comfortable for the participant. Participants should stop partaking in any exercise activity that causes pain or discomfort. In such event, medical consultation should be immediately sought.