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In all likelihood this is the first time you come across this term. It may sound familiar but you can’t exactly put your finger on where you may have heard it before. It probably makes you think about the words DIABOLIC, DIABETIC or OBESITY and you’re almost spot on.

So ‘what is it’ you are asking: Simply put, diabesity is a set of conditions that encompasses obesity, pre-diabetes and diabetes, which can be quite diabolic. It’s a result of weight gain, insulin resistance and related conditions that can eventually lead to full-blown diabetes and dozens of other health problems. Diabesity is a condition that stems from a combination of the effects of obesity, diabetes and family history. Many people fail to realize that they have it or know what to do about it. And most significantly, you don’t have to be fat to have diabesity. That’s right, you don’t have to be obese to have diabesity.

Diabesity acts like an avalanche of health problems with one leading into the other. Elevated blood sugar, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and cholesterol problems can all pile on one another to lead to your precious health rolling down a slippery slope.

Not only is this devastating to each individual sufferer, but it is the single most expensive financial burden on the healthcare system.

According to Dr. Francine Kaufman, author of Diabesity: The Obesity-Diabetes Epidemic That Threatens America – And What We Must Do to Stop It, our ancient genes and modern lifestyle have collided together to produce this epidemic. Our bodies are designed to store excess calories as fat, but modern people have far more access to calories than our ancient ancestors. In addition, people are living more sedentary lifestyles that ever before, which contributes to weight gain and insulin problems.

All of this creates the perfect storm for diabesity to evolve. But no need to get depressed just yet…

The good news is that diabesity is reversible for many who adopt a newer healthier lifestyle and diet choices. Diabetes, elevated blood sugar, high blood pressure and increased cholesterol are all a result of dietary problems, lifestyle, stress, and environmental toxins.

By eliminating the factors that are causing our body to be out of whack, we may be able to reverse the effects of diabesity and help pave the way for better long-term health which in turn is likely to lead to a longer and happier life. Interventions with a relevantly trained healthcare provider and some basic lifestyle changes can assist patients losing weight and get back into balance.

  1. Testing – The first step toward diabesity recovery is getting the right tests done. Diabesity may go unnoticed because most doctors focus on fasting blood sugar, which is an ineffective test for this condition. An insulin response test is believed to be much more effective. You can find some pointers on how to help your doctor to help you with your diabesity here.

  2. Diet – Although there’s a lot of contradicting advice around, there are a few basic nutritional guidelines that everyone should follow. Eliminating sugar and processed carbohydrates is mandatory. Diabesity patients should also include whole real foods like lean protein, raw vegetables and unsalted nuts and seeds.

  3. Exercise – Exercise is also a big factor in recovery from diabesity. Walking and other low-impact exercises can help balance blood sugar and boost metabolism. Patients should aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, and eventually up to 60 minutes four to six times per week.

  4. Stress-reduction – Stress is a major component in diabesity and related conditions, but it is more often than often overlooked. Although a little stress is a normal part of life, extended periods of stress can increase insulin resistance and blood sugar imbalance. Yoga, meditation and other relaxation techniques are essential to reversing diabesity. For more about stress and diabesity read here

  5. Detoxification – Since environmental toxins can play a major role in diabesity, it is important for patients to take steps to remove toxins from their environment. Filtered water, green cleaning products and switching from plastic to glass containers is a good place to start.

However, before making any significant life changes it is recommended to consult a healthcare provider who is trained to help with this condition. Most important facts to take home from what you read here today is that you’re likely to have diabesity without being aware of it and that having it does not mean having to take it to the grave because it is entirely reversible.

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